Emergencies do not adhere to schedules. Being prepared for an emergency means planning ahead, so when your home’s roof needs emergency repair work, you are ready, day or night. Be ready in three different ways: with savings, with insurance, and by knowing your reliable, local roofer.
Almost every homeowner feels more secure with an emergency fund in the bank. Almost every financial expert advises homeowners to create and build up an emergency fund against the possibility of disability, layoff, or economic downturn. Experts at The Balance, for example, recommend a minimum of three months’ reserves in savings.
We respectfully suggest starting a “roofing emergency fund” separate from all else. Why? Your roof protects your single biggest investment: your home. Without a roof, that furnace repair or new refrigerator is meaningless. Protect your roof!
Start saving now to be ready when you need emergency roof repair. Most roofers recommend at least $2,000 for a comfortable cushion.
But do you know what your insurance covers? Do you know your deductible? How quickly could you put your fingers on the telephone number of a local agent, or the claims department?
Examine your policy to get a strong understanding of what is covered and what is not. Ask your local agent to explain the difference between so-called “Acts of God” and storm damage.
Knowing who to call, and what to expect, will help speed the process of emergency roof repair. For example, if your deductible is only $500 and an entire swath of shingles has been swept away in high winds, you know not to hesitate: call your insurer and your roofer, back to back! If you are familiar with the claims process, you will know to ask your roofer to work with your insurance company to speed the claims process.
Select a Reliable Roofer
How can you know which roofer to call when an emergency strikes? By having your local roofer audition for the job, on something that is not an emergency. Work with a local, reliable, trustworthy roofer for annual maintenance, small repairs, and yearly inspections. Then, when trouble strikes, you already have a relationship and can turn with confidence to that roofer.
The roofer to turn to for repairs both big (like storm damage) and small (like loose flashing) is Tri County Roofing. Contact us today to learn how we can be there when you need emergency roof repair!